Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Getting Closer

I had my "37" week appointment yesterday. I will actually be 37 weeks tomorrow. I was dialated to almost 4 and 80% effaced. So the time is getting closer. I think we are still planning on inducing on the 16th if I make it that far. I can't believe it could be 16 days or less. The baby is still moving around a lot which is always nice. My doctor could feel the baby's ear when she checked me - so his head is down but turned sideways a little bit. I am glad he has an ear! I have had contractions the last few nights but they are very weak - none of which I think are the real thing. One of these days the real ones will start!

1 comment:

MelissaLB said...

Put up pictures of that BABY!!!! please!!