Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Yesterday the girls and I were driving down the road and Raleigh was spelling words for me. Sydney wanted to join so she started spelling words from signs she saw. "Mommy, what does this spell??... C - O - L - D B - E - E - R. " I started laughing and said, "Cold Beer". To which the girls asked. "what is COLD BEER?" So I told them it is something grown-ups drink, etc. They would not drop it so finally I said it was alcohol. Raleigh says, " like the kind Daddy uses to clean the golfballs?" "No, that is rubbing alcohol - don't EVER drink that, it could make you sick..." I thought it was funny but it got even funnier today when we passed the gas station with the infamous sign and Sydney points to it and says - "COLD BEER!! - Look Mom. COLD BEER".
Thanks Marathan Station...

I did a few stupid things this week too...first, on Sunday, we get to church and the parking lot is totally full - and we were early. James says, "what is going on??" then we realized it was the time change. Neither one of us had a clue - never crossed our minds even once. Since when do clocks change in March anyway?? And Second, I decided yesterday at the last minute to take the girls to see the Butterflies at Meijer Gardens because it was a sunny day and I know the butterflies are out more when the sun shines. So, we skip naps and go there. I was leaving our neighborhood and realized I forgot my camera. Oh well, we go every year, never get great pictures, the girls want the butterflies to land on them and they never do...well, right when we get there, one lands on Sydney's head - stays there for at least a minute. All these strange people think it is great and take pictues. Everyone except me, who has no camera. Then a little while later, the same thing happens to Raleigh - pictures, pictures, but not me...then it happens again. I could not believe it. We did have a good time - I do wish I had my camera though. Maybe next year...

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