Wednesday, March 18, 2009

35 Weeks - maybe only 4 to go

We made it to 35 weeks. I had an appointment with my doctor this morning and she said she would induce me around April 16th - just to save the last week with something weird happening. That would only be 6 days early anyway. She probably would induce me earlier but it seems a little crazy to schedule something like that when James is a CPA and really busy until the 15th. James has been working to get everything done as early as possible this year knowing that we may go earlier than the 15th on our own anyway. My doctor said we would talk in the next few weeks about our plan. So, I am still planning on at least 4 more weeks which I am sure will come quickly. I finally washed some boy clothes today. I figure that regardless of what happens, I have an outfit for him to wear so it will be fine if it is washed. I still have clothes with tags hanging in the closet that are going to stay that way until he comes home. I am hoping to have to do a huge load of laundry right after I come home.
I have a baby-weight ultrasound next week as well. It will be fun to see how big he is. I can tell that he is still growing and his legs and arms are getting stronger.
We are getting excited to meet this new baby and so glad we have made it this far!


Dan and Gretchen said...

We too are so glad you made it this far. We're looking forward to meeting him, and sure hope his nose isn't BIG :)
How are you feeling?

Tara M. said...

Wow Carrie, I bet if he was born now, he could probably breathe on his own! We'll keep praying for you and the baby boy and James, Raleigh and Sydney!