Monday, January 12, 2009

Another good appointment

I had another good appointment at the doctor's office today. I took both girls with me and they did well too. I was supposed to have an ultrasound but they said I was not scheduled which was weird because I saw them schedule it in the ultrasound book when I was there last time. Oh well, I really don't think I needed it anyway. The girls were a little disappointed because I told them they could see the baby for a couple of minutes. I didn't get to see my doctor either because she got called to a delivery about a minute before she was supposed to come see me. We saw her out in the hallway right by the exam room when we walked in and 2 minutes later the nurse came in and said she had to head to the hospital - I saw another doctor and that went well. It was actually the first time they used the dopplar for the heartbeat because in the past I have always had ultrasounds.
Anyway, they want to put me back on a "normal" schedule which just happens to be every 2 weeks now so I will continue to go every 2 weeks for a normal checkup.
The baby has been moving around like crazy lately which is nice and just like his sisters. I finally was able to buy him a little outfit - we don't have too much blue in our house. I am planning on moving Sydney into Raleigh's room sometime in the near future - I am finally to the point that I am believing that we may end up with a healthy baby at home again.


Erin said...

Yippeeee! We are so excited for you guys. Our family is continuing to lift you and the little baby up in prayer daily.
Gary,Erin, Kami & Rian

Julie said...

I am soooo glad to read this news. While I am sure you are guarded, I can't help but let you know that I had a wave of relief wash over me. I'm thinking of you constantly and each day that goes by gets better and better.
2008 blew a big one.
Here's to an awesome '09!