Friday, January 23, 2009

Ice Skating Day

Raleigh's school had an ice skating day today - I recruited James to come with for a few hours to help the girls. Raleigh would have done fine by herself but I knew Sydney would need help and I am not the one to to it this year. James skated with both of them for awhile and then ended up taking turns with each of the girls. Sydney needed lots of help even though she thought she was doing AWESOME! Raleigh liked to skate holding James' hand - she got frusterated with herself for not being better. I had to tell her that it was only her second time and it takes awhile to get better. I think everyone had fun (James got a workout) but I think the girl's favorite part was having lunch and birthday cake with Daddy at his office after.


Anna said...

The girls look so cute. Whose birthday were they eating, did we miss a birthday last night? Good seeing you all again.

Dan and Gretchen said...

Happy Birthday James (Sunday right?!?!?)...thank goodness for that Johnson Calendar :)