Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sydney's Sad Face

A few weeks ago, we all went out to James' and Hudson's spot to see their new headstone. We had to replace James' because they only allow 2 headstones per spot and we would have had too many with Grace, James, and Hudson. Sydney put on her "sad" face even though she wasn't really acting sad - I think it is just what she thinks she should do. My mom and I and to go pick up James' headstone because I could not lift it myself. We had to bring a towel and roll in onto the towel so we could lift it into the car. That thing is HEAVY! We are not sure what we are going to do with it yet - maybe have it polished down and made into a very heavy stepping stone for the garden... We have a picture of our family on baby James' first birthday at his "spot" - Sydney was a newborn - I really hope that can happen for us on Hudson's birthday:)


Becky said...

I like the picture, Ryan's statement was "She couldn't POSSIBLY be faking it".

Dan and Gretchen said...

Her sad little face makes me sad...I felt better when I saw James smiling!!!