Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Crazy

We enjoyed a great Easter Sunday...just us this year...great weather (so sunny that Raleigh had her "sun in the eye so take a bad picture" look on her face) and even a family bike ride in the evening.

Raleigh woke up the earliest as usual and I made her stay upstairs until Sydney woke up. Once Sydney got up, the girls came downstairs to find their baskets. For some reason, Littlest Pet Shop was their favorite.

By the time I got Greyson up, he was jumping up and down in his crib, like he knew something fun was going on. The girls found his basket for him and he had a great time tearing into it.

James and I made Easter lunch and we ate it - just the 5 of us! I can't remember the last time that has happened on Easter. The girls had colored eggs with the Roberts cousins on Saturday so we had egg salad for dinner later which James wouldn't eat because the dye had turned some of the eggs blue - luckily Daryn showed up to eat our blue egg salad! We went on a bike ride in the evening down to a playgound - Sydney has gotten a lot stronger on the tag-a-long this year. She is a much better help for me on the hills. I threw out my back somehow right before the bike ride - so that was interesting. Riding was fine - so is sitting...but I still cannot stand up straight. I feel like an 80 year old walking. So much for the spring cleaning I was going to do today:)
And of course, we enjoyed Easter because of what Jesus has done for us. Raleigh read the Easter story in the kids bible after lunch and we talked about how thankful we are for what Jesus did for us and for our little boys who have already gotten to take advantage of what Jesus did for them. Another Easter in Heaven - had to be great!

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