Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cabana de Troncos

Raleigh had to build a "shelter" for a school project. She picked a Log Cabin - Cabana de Troncos. (I am not sure if I spelled that right, and Raleigh is sleeping or I would ask her). We worked on it together - Sydney and daddy even got to help. Raleigh had to write a report about her shelter - who would live there, where her shelter was and why it was a good place for her type of shelter, what it would be made out of, etc. She wrote the whole report in Spanish. We had to call a friend of mine to help with some Spanish words but 95% of it was from Raleigh's own brain! I did look over it to make sure sentences started with capital letters and ended in punctuation but that was about all I could do to help. I hope she was really writing stuff about the Log Cabin and not something else - I guess I will never know for sure:)
She did a great job - and, she turned her project in right before Spring Break so we didn't have to worry about it all week - it is due tomorrow. I have a feeling this is going to be the first of many, many projects to come!

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