Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Greyson's Eye Surgery

Greyson did great this morning for his tear duct surgery. I was expecting a lot worse because of the stories I have heard. He even woke up pretty well - I was glad to have his pacifier and blanket - it quieted him right down. Then I gave him food...he wolfed down a breakfast bar and his sippy cup of milk - I tried to take it away one time to give him a break and he grabbed onto it so tight I could not pry it out of his hands. He did not love the IV in his arm or the thingy on his big toe but if his blanket was covering those 2 things, he was fine. I am so glad this surgery was so minor - it makes it a lot easier. Greyson seems to be doing well now too - a little bloody nose but that is it. I am looking forward to having the green eye gunk GONE!

1 comment:

Ben & Jan said...

Way to go Greyson! What a trooper!