-"Why is yours all gone?"
-"'Cause I put it on my aminals"
-"Why did you put it on your animals?"
-"'Cause they like it."
-"Sydney, we DON'T put chapstick on animals, we put it on little girls. "(James laughing from the living room)
-"Because animals don't need it."
-'Yes they do."
-"No they don't"
-"Yes they do Mommy"
-"Can you show me where it all is?"
-"Look - on their mouths"
-"Sydney, you did do a good job just getting it on their mouths but don't put chapstick on animals again..."
-"Okay mommy, can I have more Nemo chapstick?"
-"NO - go to sleep!"
You cannot see it really well but the chapstick was around all of the mouths of ALL of her animals.
And just because Syd has really been fun lately I'm putting a picture of her in her dancing outfit - this is becoming a daily routine