Sunday, June 14, 2009

Greyson and his Mom's Mom's Mom

This past week I took the kids to Kalamazoo to see Grandma Johnson. She had never met Greyson and we have not seen her since Christmas. The girls had a great time playing with the same toys I played with when I was little. Grandma let the girls help themselves to as much candy as they wanted...starburst...hershey's cream get the picture. It was the same thing we did when we were little. I am glad Greyson finally got to meet his Great-Grandma! And...we left with a bag of starburst and kisses...
Greyson has been sleeping through the night and the other day he rolled over from his belly to his back. James and I clapped and cheered and he acted as if he had no clue what he did. Oh, wait...he had no clue what he did. He has been getting more and more fun each day.

1 comment:

Dan and Gretchen said...

WOW...he's getting so big, and CUTE. I was thinking the other day about how fun the next few years will be...I see some sleepovers in the future :)