Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pregnant for number 5!!

I just heard from the doctor's office and my second set of bloodwork numbers came back fine - so...we are pregnant with baby number 5. My numbers were 77 on Tuesday and 197 today - they want the numbers to double so that is good. We will have an ultrasound in a couple of weeks and hopefully see a little heartbeat. My doctor is putting me on antibiotics 3 times a day - this is a different antibiotic than I was on for Sydney and Hudson. The one I will be on is the same one they gave me after Hudson was born in order to take care of the peptostreptococcus that they cultured from my blood. Hopefully this will take care of any problems before they become big problems. We are praying for:
1) A healthy pregnancy with NO INFECTIONS
2) Wisdom for my doctors (our infertility doctor, my OB, & the high-risk doctor) so they will be able to prevent infections and treat infections quickly if they come.
3) Peace for us - this pregnancy will be a constant worry that something may go wrong

Thank you for your prayers - We are sure God has a plan for our family even after all that we have been through.


Dan and Gretchen said...

Bless God!!! This is fabulous news, and we'll add all of your prayer points to the list.

Becky said...

YEAH!! We're praying!