Monday, July 12, 2010

Crazy Grey

Greyson LOVES the sprinkler (or actually, the hole in the hose) - it could keep entertained for a long time - even in his clothes.
He helps himself to licorice whenever he wants - he takes it out of the drawer, bangs the package open and eats a few pieces...leaving the rest on the ground for me to pick up.

Just like his sisters - loves Panera frozen mochas:)

He thinks he is such a big helper - he really tried hard to get both gallons of milk to the kitchen and was mad when he couldn't do it. A few more years and he will be on grocery duty.

And...I found him...and the toilet paper... in the back hall. I think I was on the phone - he was really quiet. I first looked in the bathroom and saw the toiletpaper roll gone and a firetruck on the ground...I had and idea of what was happening!

1 comment:

Ben & Jan said...

He is so darn cute!!! I can't wait to see that little guy. Do I need to have my TP in lockdown?