Wednesday, February 10, 2010

At least we had a little fun today...

The kids did not have school today so it was a great time to play outside in the sunshine! The girls were out a few times today and begged me to take Greyson out too. Sydney wanted to hold Grey so bad for the picture - she did great until she dumped him off and went to play on the swings. Greyson was a good sport - trying to crawl through the snow...okay, he was MAD! He does love being outside - he screamed when I made him go inside.

It has been a crazy week for us - My sister Becky lost her baby this past week. After going through something similar twice and my other sister once, I just cannot believe it happened again. We are so thankful that her high-risk delivery went easier than expected and Becky was able to hold and see her baby. My emotions through all of this have been a little crazy - I was so thankful for a snow day for the kids and the ability to spend a "great" day with them. We are keeping Becky and her family in our prayers and know God will use this "crappy" situation for His Glory.

1 comment:

Marni said...

Those pictures of Grey just totally made my night. What a cutie!