Thursday, September 25, 2008

Not a Great Appointment Today

We had our appointment with the high-risk doctor this morning. It really did not go very well at all. We had an ultrasound and everything looks great with the baby so far but then we met with the doctor to ask questions and go over stuff for this pregnancy. Because of his answers (or lack thereof) I cried throughout the entire meeting. He had nothing positive to say. Pretty much if I start to have the same symptoms as with the boys (bleeding, fever, etc) there is nothing they can do. He was not willing to do baseline blood tests or vaginal tests. He would have given me the same antibiotic that did not work with Hudson. Luckily our infertility doctor had listened to us and changed to antibiotic to something that will work to take care of the specific bacteria that they found in my blood after the baby was born. He told me my immunine system must be weak but that is typical during a pregnancy but that there was NOTHING I could do to help have a better immunine system (something I do not believe is true). Anyway, he is doing nothing proactive except I get ultrasounds frequently which will tell us nothing - the baby is always fine, cervical lenght always fine. He knows this but is doing this for our peace of mind. He seemed to think there was NOTHING we could do to prevent infection either - again, something I have a hard time believing. So, we will stay on our course of action, doing things (or not doing things) to prevent infections. We will just have to rely on prayer to help us through this one. I sometimes wonder how Sydney was ever born healthy. I really believe that if we can prevent infection, things may be okay. Our due date is April 22 so if we can make it to April we would be so excited. Please pray for our situation. We are very frusterated. We really do not want to go through what we have been through again.


Dan and Gretchen said...

You are for sure in our prayers. I still have smoke coming out of my ears over this since I got off the phone with you. Hang in there, and be sure to call Dr. Dodds (at least he's in your corner)!!!

Praying so hard for April to get here, and a healthy Baby Kuipers to be born!!!!

Ceci LaBarge said...

We will pray everyday for no infections. Sorry your meeting was so disapointing.

Ben & Jan said...

You are all constantly in our prayers and will continue to be. If this doctor is not giving you necessary attention, talk with Dr. Dodds and explain what happened. Also, you should try to see another doctor. Push for what you need Carrie.

Becky said...

We're praying. I'm so sorry that your appointment was so terrible! Mom told me at lunch. There is ZERO reason for his unacceptable bedside manner. Argg. Unbelievable.